Coming 1st MARCH 2025

SUccessful swimming teaching

“Successful Swimming Teaching – The Easy Way” is the first of its kind and a must read.
This interactive e-publication is your ultimate companion to navigate your way to becoming a genuinely excellent swimming instructor or swim school by cutting to the chase of what really works and what is superfluous and to maximise the benefit of your pupils.
This ground-breaking book equips you with the information and abilities needed to succeed in this fulfilling and privileged teaching and business career.


Publish date is 1st March 2025. Add your email to the form to get notified as we launch. Thanks for your interest!

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What’s in the book?

what its all about

What swimming teaching is really all about and poses questions that will test your understanding What it covers, what it does not, what you can learn and who it will benefit.

credibility & experience

Describes the source of the knowledge and information, and gives credibility to the content that is designed to make you really think about what you are doing.

Interactive e-book

The 1st ever interactive e-pub book using videos of real pupils making mistakes rather than competitive swimmers with ‘perfect’ technique.
This makes it completely relatable to teachers’ everyday experiences.

the basics

Swimming is simple, what we do naturally, understanding what you know, teaching and coaching differences, the use of knowledge and who are the decision makers.

Swimming Teaching Status

Where are we now, what is being taught, who is teaching it, where it’s all going, differences, opinions and ‘specialisms’, simplicity and logic.

Why do we learn?

Why do we learn to swim, safety, enjoyment, wider activities, fear and anxiety, pressure, age differences and how to deal with all these.

Swimming Made Simple

What is swimming? Why do we learn? Stages of learning, stroke definitions, developing technical levels, strokes vs skills.


What it all means, use of language, practices vs teaching points, aims vs objectives, sessions vs lessons, knowledge vs skills transfer, natural talent vs learning, praise vs feedback.

exploding the myths

Cuts to the quick, gets to the crux and exposing all the stuff out there that is just confusing, getting in the way, just plain rubbish or even dangerous.

are the ‘gurus’ right

Who are they, where do you get your information from, who is right and wrong? Digs down into the overwhelming amount of information out there and how to sift the useful and good from the useless and misleading.

knowledge vs delivery

Acquiring knowledge and developing wisdom to allow education of stroke and skill mechanics using Natural Reflex, Key Element, Corrective Teaching and Direct Method techniques.

the wonder teacher

Essential skills, understanding pupils, teaching cycles, learning styles, planning, language, observation, analysis, management, communication, demonstration, activity equipment and so much more.

Swimming Teaching programme

What it is and is not, do you have one (or think you have one)? Frameworks, missions, principles, ingredients, progressions, criteria, assessment, moderation, appraisal, the teaching continuum, schemes of work, lesson planning etc.

running a swimming school

Is it for you or do you already run one?
Overview, structures, requirements, abilities, facilities, resources, teachers, systems, administration, manuals, policies, insurance, legalities, finance and of course – Swimming Teaching Programme.

Teaching methods & concepts

Your course tutors will have given you standard teaching methods and applications and perhaps their own take on them. Uncover enhanced methods and concepts have been developed over the years with worldwide input and are described in detail.

Teaching The Strokes

Qualification courses and other sources often over complicate the mechanics of the 4 main strokes. Using a key element approach, each of these is made so much simpler by cutting out all the unnecessary stuff and approaching the teaching in a direct and effective way that pupils warm to and see early success.

Get your copy

Embrace excellence

This book is not just for swimming teachers. It’s so much more. Tutors, coordinators, programme writers, educators, learn to swim providers, pool owners, school teachers, students, learners, parents and decision makers will all learn something.
You’ll find a wealth of knowledge, expert insights, and practical tips that will transform you into a master swimming instructor or transform your business.  
Whether you’re a seasoned teacher or operator or just starting your journey, this book is your key to unlocking unparalleled success in the world of swimming education.
Become a part of the elite league of swimming instructors and swim schools. Embrace excellence. Embody expertise with “Successful Swimming Teaching.”


Publishing day is 1st MARCH 2025. Add your email to the form to get notified as we launch. Thanks for your interest!

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